Monday, 10 January 2011


After reading the Greenwash Guide on the college VLE, I now understand that Greenwashing is a dangerous thing often caused by ignorance rather than evil intent. Greenwash is basically a fib to make things look more environmentally friendly than they really are.

Because of all the Greenwash fibs, only 10% of people trust environmental information from businesses and the government. Therefore damaging other people's businesses and makes people reluctant to buy things on the reason that the advert says it's 'green'.

"Green wash is the spanner in the works that could sabotage the whole environmental movement within business."

Greenwashing is around because advertisers have noticed a change in the consumer's buying habits. They've noticed we want to buy 'eco-friendly' items. In a survey, 83% of people think about a companies environmental impact while shopping. Because of this, we have made companies want to be more green and it started with bending the truth.

"This growth in selling green is a sign of things to come: you want to buy green, you expect companies to be green, and they have eagerly started telling you that they are... Occasionally without good reason for doing so. Enter Greenwash."