On Tuesday the 7th of December, it's my friend's Dad's birthday. They have asked me to create a banner for his party and here is what I did.
I collected some fabric paints from town, one black and one yellow then went through a range of designs, showing them to my friend and his mum for approval. I then picked my favourite layout of the design pieces that they liked and drew it onto the sheet in pencil before going over in the paint.
Unfortunately, when they collected it, it was still a little damp and some of the paint transfered to other parts of the sheet that it wasn't supposed to.
They hung it on the window at the front of their house for him to see when he got home... He loved it! Which makes me very happy. Unfortunately, I can't get hold of the pictures just yet... But I will soon.
While I was in school, I had a terrible habit for doodling on EVERYTHING! I would get told off for it, especially when I shared a sheet with someone who like everything to be neat and tidy. So I started to try and dull down my passion for drawing my thoughts... Though I would still do it on the back pages of my maths book.
...That was until I came to college and started to Doodle Project on Tuesdays in Sam's lesson. I love it! The aim is to actually fill your sketchbook with random doodles and colours! I think that it's my favourite project so far, although the dead line for it is tomorrow... But it has been so much fun getting back into the habit. I've found myself doodling on a notepad while on the phone or on my arm when I've finished what I was asked to do (To the dismay of my mother who doesn't like it when I come home covered in little drawings..)
I'm very much looking forward to creating more odd creatures and finding out my drawing style... So far I think that my prefered way of drawing is in cartoons and child's illustrations.