Tuesday 24 May 2011

Life Drawing 2

Today i used pastels and ink and i think my favourite ones are the ink ones. The techniques i used varied throughout the work i have done... most of the ink work i have done have been drawn on damp paper so the ink would bleed into the paper. I really like splattering the ink over the work too. I liked working with chalk on black paper, the effect was striking and very pleasing to the eye. We did four 5 minute gesture drawings and one 20 minute sketch... my favourite was the 20 minute one as it was most effective. The rest of the drawings were 20 minutes long and personally i think that they get better as they go along.

Friday 6 May 2011

Phlegm Street Art

I like the mixture that Phlegm has in his work, this one for example has both black and white with shading connected to powerful colours. It has been placed in what looks to be the public toilets... I don't know if that gives it any extra significance or not but I would find it odd to see this in the loo. His work seems completely random with no meaning, yet they are pretty and make you stop and think about whether there is a meaning to it.

Although passers by will fully know that the ground is indeed solid, having a whale half submerged may make them half wonder before remembering it is indeed just a painting that finishes at the ground. The proportions of the whale are out, but it's still obvious what it is meant to be so I don't think it really matters. It looks well placed under the bridge because bridges usually go over water and the whale is beneath the bridge where the water would be.

I like the way this piece makes the shutters look like a stage with the curtains. It leads me to imagine that these bird-like creatures are performing. They are done in so much detail that it seems silly for them to have their legs and feet drawn as such, unless another person draw them on, I don't know why there would be a reason for doing this other than a similar difference in the first picture where parts are black and white and the other is delicately shaded and coloured.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Life Drawing

Third drawing

Second drawing

First drawing

In our life drawing classes today, Sam taught us to measure with the tip of our pencils and said that people will mostly be seven heads high. Meaning that how ever big their head is, the body is about 6 more of them. We also had to try and think of her as a collection of shapes rather than a person and draw what we saw rather than what we would expect to see. My first drawing was in biro and is very cartoon-like whereas the other are in charcoal and are much more sketchy.