Monday 8 November 2010

Abram Games - Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means.

After attending the Restless Time exhibition in the Millennium Gallery in Sheffield, we went to a near by gallery featuring Abram Games. I feel that his work mostly promoted safety and advertisement in a clever and eye catching way. Some of my favourite pieces of his work are the following:

I found Abrams work fascinating, I just love how he has put his message across in a simple and understandable yet effective way. I enjoyed looking around the gallery and learning more about how he worked. Here are some of the pieces that I sketched myself:

Unfortunately, the scanner had a mark on that glass and so it has transferred onto the picture too. Oh well. I quite enjoyed drawing these because as I started looking at the pictures closer, those I first thought were simple ended up taking longer to do. There were so many subtle little things that I hadn't noticed before.

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