Monday 8 November 2010

Restless Time Exhibition

Before half term, our class went to Sheffield to view an exhibition regarding Abram Games, a man we were studying for project at the time. We were told to gather information and opinions on some of the things there so we could add them to the blog we would be creating.

The first piece of art work that caught my eye was "Together", done by an unknown artist in the years between 1939 and 1945. Unfortunately, I can't get hold of a picture of it, but it was a picture of men holding up a flag. What I liked about it was how all the men where of a different nationality. I know that around this time, racism was still a massive problem and so, seeing all these men working together, it showed the desperation that the British Army was in to gain more men. Underneath the picture is a plaque saying, "Created as propaganda to promote the British Army in World War Two."

I did a drawing of one of the pieces of work from this Gallery called "Grinders" by Leonard Beaumont.
 It took me about twenty minutes to draw this and I am quite pleased with the outcome here.

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