Monday 22 November 2010

Kandee the Makeup Artist (1)

Since the last time I looked at Kandee's blog, she has been on tour to San Francisco and become pregnant! She refers to her little bump and her "cupcake" which could possibly be irony from the term "bun in the oven", which also refers to a pregnant woman.
Kandee at the W Hotel holding her baby bump!

 About her tour, she said:

"...people don't know that they will leave this day...a changed person...with new happiness, so much confidence it'll change their future...their career, their relationships....
they'll learn how to change the world around to be unforgettable....
and most importantly how to change their lives....make their dreams real...
and how to sparkle in a world full of mean, cynical people...that have no hope!"
Through some of her blog, she talks about all the things that she has to remove from being buckled, clasped, hooked and strapped onto her every night. One of these things was her 'supreme' necklace. She says:
"I got it at the Renegade Craft Fair in downtown's from a Cutlass Supreme Car...I love it, and I pretty much wear it everyday of my life! ha ha ha
 The girl who made it doesn't have anymore, BUT one of my friends had some SUPREME necklaces made...she only has a small amount left.."

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