Monday, 6 December 2010


On Monday the 29th of November, we all attended a trip to Manchester to see a whole range of Universities, all trying to interest possible future students. We collected so many prospectuses, some of which we have to interest in looking at but took them any way because we didn't want to reject the people offering them out... But that might have just been me.

I found some I found some that I liked the sound of, but there was always something about it that didn't seem just right... or I couldn't imagine me moving to that place.

Until I found Bolton University. I was drawn in by the people stood about with masks on and brilliant costume designs and the massive picture of a sculpture of Davy Jones' head from The Pirates of the Caribbean. When I went over to talk to them, I was asked what I was interested in.. I wasn't entirely sure still so I said Graphic Design or Makeup or something...

As soon as I said "Makeup" I was passed over to a young woman who was in her second year at Bolton. She told me that the Sculpture was hers and that she too went to Bolton with the single intention of just doing makeup and nothing else, that was until she was introduced to a whole range of extra things you could do!

She said that once you have settled into the course and done the things you are instructed to do, you get to create your own monster or creature and sculpt it and add makeup and/or effects to it. This all sounded very exciting to me. I very much like the idea of Bolton University... It's not too far from home, but fair enough that my family aren't in my pocket and I have my own space. Unfortunately it's not near the sea but I can still go as a short break to the coast every now and again during my stay... She also said that the accommodation is very nice there and you get to mingle with new students like yourself and also second years who can give you advice and help you out.

University is still a scary thought to me, but I really hope that it all goes well, as everyone does.

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